Faster Gig

A smarter method that will help you get the job you want 10x faster!

Step into the future of job hunting! You’re just one click away from thousands of fresh, remote video editor jobs delivered straight to you. With our curated job board, weekly BIG LIST of opportunities, and our proven system, we’ll help you stand out and finally land the role you always wanted.

You became a video editor to create, not to hunt for jobs. Let us find the right gigs for you so you can focus on what you love.

video editor sitting at desk
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  • We find the jobs

    Forgot the "standing in line" mentality of job boards and hours of searching. Our team finds and collects hundreds of hidden, targeted video editor roles.

  • We deliver those jobs

    Get immediate access to those jobs from your FasterGig dashboard and email inbox weekly.

  • You mass apply

    Learn how to send a customized cover letter and resume directly to as many jobs and as many hiring managers as you want - with one template and one click!

  • Quicker responses

    Using our pre-made and tested templates you start getting responses.

  • Apply faster

    Hundreds have used our proven method to pitch and land remote video editor roles super fast.

"I look forward to getting the jobs each week. Fastergig is hope in your inbox. It’s a game-changer. The Method was a little rough to use at first, but it paid off."
man smiling standing near the DSLR camera
Robert Allen
Freelance Video Editor
"I wasn’t getting anywhere with job boards. The searching took so much time and hoping for a response just didn’t work. Faster Gig showed me a smarter way."
a woman kneeling down while holding a camera
Melanie Benson
Senior Video Editor
"5 stars for this amazing method that literally made me land my first job. I used the Fast Gig method on job hunting and the whole process was super easy once it got going."
barry photo - video editor review
Michaele Ridge
Video Editor

The Old Way

The FasterGig Way

We Find The Best Video Editing Jobs, Faster

We specialize in helping job seekers in the video production industry land their dream job quickly by providing helpful tips, hand-picked job listings, and the latest remote gig jobs. 

With our expertise in video production jobs, we can help you find the right role that fits your skills and experience.

Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced professional, we have a wide range of jobs for video production and editing that can help you take your career to the next level. So why wait? Sign up today and start your journey to find a job fast in video production!