Faster Gig

Get a new job faster!

FasterGig is the smarter, automated method that will help you get the remote job you want 10 times faster with minimum effort.

Looking for a remote job or a local gig shouldn’t be stressful or time-consuming. With FasterGig, we help you land a job 10x faster!

No previous experience? No problem. FasterGig makes it fast and easy to find new opportunities—whether you’re after a full-time role, a remote gig, or something local.

Skip the endless job search and start working sooner. With FasterGig, you can even find remote jobs that let you work from the comfort of home. Say goodbye to wasted hours and hello to your next opportunity.

Your dream job is just a click away—let’s make it happen with!

  • We find and collect hundreds of hidden targeted jobs

    Forgot the "standing in line" mentality of job boards. We find and collect hundreds of hidden, targeted jobs for you.

  • Automatically discover the hiring manager

    FasterGig gives you the tools needed to automatically discover the hiring manager. It then directly sends a personalised message and applies to the job on your behalf.

  • Mass apply to jobs

    Send a customized cover letter and resume directly to as many jobs and as many hiring managers as you want - with one template and one click!

  • Quicker responses

    Using our pre-made and tested templates you start getting responses.

  • Track progress

    You can track email open ratios, and optimize your emails for even better results.

Book more interviews and find that next job super fast with FasterGig!

Get access to the step by step tutorial on how to find jobs and get to the hiring manager fast!

Access all tools, tips, members only job listings!

Build your online resume and portfolio and immediately become searchable by employers.

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