Faster Gig

Breaking Into the Industry: The Power of Networking

How did you meet your first connection?

I see a lot of people here constantly saying “you get most of your jobs through connections.” So, how did you make your first connection? Friend of a friend? Networking event? Blindly reaching out?

We hit the streets and asked 22 people how they did it. From film school encounters to serendipitous meetings, each story adds a piece to the complex puzzle of building a career in this dynamic industry.

Diverse Paths to Making Connections

One common thread among the responses is the role of educational institutions. Many first connections were made through film schools, showcasing the importance of educational environments not just for learning skills but also for networking. For instance, a user recounted a serendipitous meeting with a professor in an editing lab which led to a junior editor position and subsequently a series of small jobs.

This highlights the benefit of being in the right place at the right time and using one’s academic setting as a launching pad.

Another prevalent method was through personal relationships and somewhat random encounters.

A particularly striking story shared by a user named BobZelin recounts a journey starting from a personal setback, leading to a determined cold-calling of companies listed in the Yellow Pages, and eventually landing a job that would kickstart his career in sound engineering. Bob’s story is a testament to the grit and persistence needed to make it in the industry.

The Role of Chance and Initiative

Several anecdotes involved chance encounters that led to significant opportunities. For example, one user got their break through a casual conversation about photography with a customer at an Apple store, where they worked. This encounter not only changed the trajectory of their career but also highlights the importance of expressing one’s career aspirations in everyday conversations.

From these varied stories, a few lessons emerge:

  • Be Proactive: Opportunities often come from going the extra mile or taking the initiative to talk about your career goals with others.
  • Use Your Network: Even loose connections, like friends of friends or acquaintances met at social events, can lead to job opportunities.
  • Stay Open and Adaptable: Many found their first gigs in unexpected places, reinforcing the importance of adaptability and openness to different pathways.
  • Persistence Pays: Repeatedly, those who were willing to start at the bottom or take on internships, often unpaid, were able to climb their way up through the industry.

These stories not only provide inspiration but also practical pathways for others looking to break into the film and video editing industry. Networking, whether through structured environments like school and workshops or through more casual, everyday interactions, plays an integral role in career development.

These narratives collectively underline an essential industry truth: often, it’s not just what you know, but who you know—and how you engage with them—that can set the stage for a successful career.