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Find Hidden Remote Jobs

By using a special search operator with Google search, you can find remote jobs that aren’t always listed on public job boards. Doing this lets you apply to positions that aren’t receiving many applications, thereby lowering the competition and increasing your chance of getting an interview.

To find these hidden remote jobs, we are going to “scrape” application tracking system sites with Google. Also referred to as ATS sites, these are subdomains where many companies post job listings in order to receive and track applications from candidates. Some examples of ATS sites include Lever, Greenhouse, and Workable.

If the job listings on ATS sites are not advertised on job boards, the only way you can find them is by going directly to the company’s Careers page or by using Google. The latter method is more efficient and what we’ll use today.

How to Search ATS Sites for Remote Jobs

To start, choose an ATS site to target. Below are the most popular ATS sites.

Now use Google to find remote jobs on these ATS sites. For instance, If I wanted to search Lever for remote content marketing jobs I would enter this into Google: content marketing remote

And if I wanted to search Breezy for remote content marketing jobs I would enter this into Google:

site:* content marketing remote

By performing these searches, Google will show me every company using the specific ATS site/subdomain that has open remote content marketing roles.

As you can see, the Google search trick follows this format:

site:[ATS subdomain] [your speciality] remote

Note: There is more information about how to use this remote job search tactic in this article.

Action Step: Use the Google search trick to find as many remote jobs as possible. Add these to your tracking sheet. After adding them apply to them at your own pace.


When applying, use your standard cover letter for jobs you’re somewhat interested in and you custom cover letter for jobs you’re very interested in.

Are you tired of the endless and frustrating job search process? Look no further than FasterGig – the smarter, automated method that will help you get remote video jobs 10 times faster with minimum effort.

With FasterGig, you can find new job opportunities in your area or even remote positions without the need for previous experience. Our website offers a quick and easy way to apply to jobs and find gigs that fit your skills and needs.

Say goodbye to the stress and time-consuming job search process and hello to a new job with FasterGig!

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